Streamlined Litigation Finance
For Firms of Every Size

At REMO, we know that time is money. That’s why our modernized approach to securing litigation financing gives you the power to leverage your time more effectively, enhancing your ability to acquire reliable litigation funds that you and your clients can count on.

Step 1


Jump start the process by submitting a streamlined application that tells us about your law firm’s docket and the unique needs of your firm. Our secure portal protects your privacy and the sensitive information in your case file, giving you faster results without the hassle of old-school paperwork.

Step 2


For funding companies, reviewing and underwriting a litigation financing loan can be very time-consuming. We make matters easier (and faster) by conducting our own independent analysis of your case's legal and financial details, giving potential lenders a head start in the loan approval process.

Step 3


As veterans in the litigation finance space, we know exactly which lenders are most likely to give your loan the green light. So our team crafts a personalized pitch that we'll use to showcase your law firm's strengths and the legal merits of your case, and we won't stop until we get you to YES.

Step 4


Once your case has been pitched to the top lenders in the litigation financing industry, we’ll work with you to understand your options, compare potential lenders, and select the loan that best suits your needs. Ultimately, we put the power of choice in your hands.

Start Your Application Today

How Does Litigation Financing & Funding Work?

Litigation financing and funding are two services that allow claimants to pursue legal claims without having to worry about the financial burden of doing so. It is a relatively new concept, but one that has been gaining traction in recent years as a way to level the playing field between well-funded defendants and those with limited resources. In this article, we will explore how litigation financing and funding work and why they are becoming increasingly popular.

What Is Litigation Financing?

Litigation financing is a service where a third party (the funder) provides financial resources allowing a claimant to pursue claims through the court system. The funder typically pays for all or part of the legal costs associated with pursuing the claim, such as court fees, expert witness fees, etc., in exchange for a share of any potential settlement or award. This arrangement allows claimants to pursue their claims without having to pay out of pocket for the costs associated with doing so.

What Is Litigation Funding?

Litigation funding is similar to litigation financing in that it involves a third party providing financial resources for legal proceedings. 

However, unlike litigation financing, which involves an agreement between the funder and claimant wherein the funder receives a portion of any potential settlement or award, litigation funding does not involve any such agreement. 

Instead, the funder provides funds upfront in exchange for an agreed-upon percentage of any potential settlement or award. This arrangement allows claimants to pursue their claims without having to pay out of pocket for legal expenses upfront.

Benefits Of Litigation Financing & Funding

The primary benefit of both litigation financing and funding is that they allow claimants who may not have had access to sufficient funds otherwise to pursue their claims through the court system. This can be especially beneficial when facing well-funded defendants who may have greater resources available for defending themselves against legal action than those bringing forth such action do for prosecuting it. 

Additionally, both forms of financing provide claimants with more flexibility when it comes to managing their finances as they can spread out payments over time rather than having to pay all at once upfront. Finally, both forms of financing can help reduce stress by taking away some of the financial burden associated with pursuing legal action.

Drawbacks Of Litigation Financing & Funding

One potential drawback of both forms of financing is that they can be expensive due to interest rates charged by funders and/or fees associated with setting up agreements between parties involved in litigation proceedings. Additionally, there may be restrictions on how much money can be provided by funders depending on factors such as jurisdiction and type of claim being pursued. Finally, there may also be risks involved if either party fails to uphold its end of an agreement made between them regarding repayment terms or other matters related to litigation proceedings funded by either form of financing.


Litigation financing and funding are two services that allow claimants who may not have had access otherwise to pursue their claims through the court system without having to worry about paying out large sums up front for legal expenses associated with doing so.


Answers to some of our most commonly asked questions.

Who can benefit from litigation finance?

Lawyers, law firms, companies, and individuals who have meritorious cases but lack sufficient resources to pursue them may benefit from litigation finance.

Is litigation funding considered debt?

No, litigation funding advances are not debt and are not subject to interest payments like traditional loans would be.

What types of cases can be funded through litigation finance?

Most types of civil disputes including commercial disputes, class action lawsuits, intellectual property disputes, employment disputes, and personal injury claims can be funded through litigation finance.

How much does it cost to use litigation finance?

The cost of using litigation finance varies depending on the complexity of your case and other factors such as how long it takes for your case to resolve itself. Generally speaking, however, there are no up-front costs associated with using litigation finance and you only pay if you win your case or reach an acceptable settlement agreement with your opponent(s).